Dhirubhai Ambani: How Numbers Shaped His Life

Friday, February 26, 2010

Born of a village schoolteacher on 28-12-1932, in the village of Chorvad, in Junagadh, Dhirajlal Hirachand Ambani is perhaps one the finest examples of the synchronicity of numbers.

His phenomenal rise from selling ‘Bhajias to pilgrims in Mount Girnar on weekends’ to being a Shell Service Station worker in Aden (Yemen) to being India’s first Corporate Icon whose Group asset’s today stand to over the tune of 520 billion, is truly a spectacular rags to riches story.

Here’s a look at how numbers controlled his fate (Do you have anything in common?):

– Psychic Number: 1, 28th=2+8=10=1
– Destiny Number: 1, 28-12-1932= 2+8+1+2+1+9+3+2=28=2+8=10=1
– Number 1 is ruled by the SUN who finds his exaltation in Aries, ruled Mars (9)
– Note: The compounds of his psychic number and his destiny number, both are 28
– Name Number: 8/17 Dhirajlal Hirachand Ambani 5/14 Dhirubhai Ambani
– Sun Sign: Capricorn
– Ruling Planet: (8) Saturn
When Misfortune Hit Him
1st stroke: 6 (in 1986=1+9+8+6=24=2+4=6)
2nd stroke: 6 (on 24th June 2002)
On Monday: 2 (number of Monday)
Expired On: 8 (Saturday night, Saturday is ruled by Saturn-8)
Time Of Expiry : 1 (23.50 pm=2+3+5+0=10=1, same number as his psychic and destiny number 1, ruled by the Sun)
Funeral At: 1 (16.30 pm=1+6+3+0=10=1)
On Sunday: 1 (Number of Sunday)
Died On: 6 July 2002
Full Date: 8 (6-7-2002=6+7+2+0+0+2=17=1+7=8)

In the sign of 2
Cancer is ruled by the Moon and the month of July also ruled by the Moon (2)
Saturn (8) is exalted in Libra, ruled by Venus (6)
Venus (6) is exalted in Pisces, ruled by Jupiter (3)
Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, ruled by the Moon (2)
The Moon is exalted in Taurus, ruled by Venus (6)
Capricorn is the opposite sign to Cancer in the Zodiac

2002 was 8: Personal Year for him. DOB+MOB+CURRENT YEAR.
2002 was 4: Current Year (Common)
Birth Force: 6: Year of Birth=1932=1+9+3+2=15=1+5=6.
4th Pinnacle: 9: began at age 54 in the year 1986
Personal Year: 1, 1986 was personal year number 1 for him, derived from the total of his date of birth + month of birth + current year – 2+8+1+2+1+9+8+6=37=10=1
Age 54: 9, (5+4=9)
54 in year: 6, 1986=1+9+8+6=24=2+4=6. (Year of 1st Stroke)
Total of period 9: Personal Year+ Current Year +Birth Force=8+4+6=18=9
Age of Death: 6: He was 69 years old, 6+9=15=1+5=6

Magical Facts About How Numbers Affected Him
Numbers that played key-roles in his life were 1, 6, 8 and 9. 1+6+8+9=24=2+4=6
In this entire numero-graph there are some very relevant points to note:
His psychic number as well as his destiny number was 1, this gave him the unparallel qualities of ‘leadership’ and a dynamic personality.
His name at birth was Dhirajlal Hirachand Ambani, which is an 8; perhaps he would not have achieved this phenomenal success with this name because 8, as a name-number is not fortunate for anyone, leave aside a psychic and destiny 1 for whom it is the very worst.
The only name that he is known as is Dhirubhai Ambani and this is a number 5, number of the ‘quick silver planet of Mercury’. Whether his fortunate destiny guided him to choose this name unintentionally or whether he was advised to go by it, I do not know, but the 5-name number is the one that gave him the universal growth, renown and power of communication.

Number 1 and 6 have sparred from the beginning of time.
Look at the recurrences of numbers.

Stop...think...his birth as well as his death was under the influence of the Sun, on dates and time making number 1.
All the unfortunate events that lead to his demise took place on the 6th of a month.
He finally left this planet on the number of ‘ Moksha ’, number 9 that was the number of his last ‘pinnacle’ at an age that made the single number of 6.
The full date of his death was number 8.
When his enemy number 6 came together with the number of his last pinnacle 9, he died on a date making the number of death and resurrection, number 8 at a time, date and day under the influence of the Sun, the number of his birth as well as his destiny, number 1 at the age of 69, which makes the single number 6.
At this time (year 2002) he had already entered his last birth force number that was number 6 and the year 2002 was personal year number 8 for him. (Personal year=DOB + MOB + Current year).
He suffered his first stroke in personal year number 1 and his last fatal one in personal year number 8.

It is said by the ‘ancients’ that life begins at the Sun (number 1) and ends at Saturn (number 8), and this is exactly what happened with Mr Dhirubhai Ambani. Those who leave ‘Station Earth’ on the last number of 9 are due for retirement, which means, they are free from the soul exhausting cycles of life and death and from all ‘Karmas’. Then again, it depends whether or not you have earned your salvation or abused your opportunity achieved after many births. For those who abuse, there is no Moksha, but a return to the lowest rung of life.

I can safely state that Dhirubhai earned his salvation and will never be reborn again for he was a good man.


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